Wednesday, September 28, 2016

What it's like to be a Freshman

As we read the excerpt from Speak in class, we discussed how much of the story was relatable. The author used first person point of view to put us in the head of the narrator and wrote about something everyone has experienced - being a freshman in a high school lunch room on the first day of school.

For this blog post, write about what it's like to be a high school freshman. Employ the narrative techniques listed in the short story assignment to describe your experience so far as a freshman.

Write two paragraphs for this post. In the first paragraph, describe what being a freshman is like. Explain your experience by using narrative techniques such as figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and/or irony. In the second paragraph, tell a brief story of something that has happened to you at school this year. This story should be somewhat representative of the experience of being a freshman. Be sure it's a story that includes conflict!

Due Monday, October 3.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Planning Your Short Story

In a short time you will be working on your first major evaluation assignment for English: writing your own short story! As we read, analyze and discuss short stories in class, you should be planning your story.

For this blog post, write about two ideas you have for a short story. At least one of the two should be based on a real experience. Arguably the most important part of a short story is conflict - what is the conflict in each of your story ideas?

Write two paragraphs for this post. Each paragraph should describe your story idea in detail - including the conflict. Start each paragraph by telling me if this story is based on a real experience of if it's purely imaginary.

Due Monday, September 26.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Introduction to My Blog

Welcome to Freshman English!

Throughout the school year you will be required to respond to prompts from this blog on your own personal English blog. The goals for blogging include:
1. Improve your writing through consistent practice.
2. Develop your writing style and voice by sharing your own personal experiences or opinions and ideas about what we read and discuss in class.

For this first blog post, write an introduction to your blog. Your primary audience will be me, your teacher, so think about what you'd like me to know about you as a reader, a writer and a learner. What do you like to read? What is the best book you ever read and why? What do you like to write? How do you work best? What classes do you enjoy in school? Also, tell me a little about your personal life. What is your family like? What do you like to do after school and on weekends?

Please write at least two paragraphs for this post.
1st paragraph: Write about what type of student you are. Consider the questions above and write at least four complete sentences.
2nd paragraph: Write about your personal life, your family and your interests. Write at least four complete sentences.