Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Link Between Movies and Stories

We are finishing up reading and writing short stories and moving into analyzing style through watching Tim Burton films. For this post, think about how movies tell stories. How is watching a movie like reading a story? How does the style of the movie make it more interesting or entertaining or help you understand the story?

Think of a movie that you think has a unique style and/or a very good story. Give the name of the movie and what you notice about the style. For example, in The Hunger Games, part of the "style" is that the costumes and look of Katniss' home district are gray and gloomy, while the parts in the Capital feature elaborate, bright costumes and hair styles. This helps you understand that Katniss' home is not a happy place and that the Capital is kind of over-the top.

We are going to be watching Tim Burton movies in class. If you want to, choose a Tim Burton movie to write about for this blog post. What do you notice about his style as a director? However, writing about a Tim Burton film is not required. You can write about whatever movie you like!

Write at least two paragraphs for this post. The first paragraph should be about how movies are like stories, and the second paragraph should be about a specific movie and the style of that movie.

Due Monday, October 10.

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